Knowledgeable * Experienced * Professional Working to secure the best outcomes for our clients
Our Services Your Way
We recognise that individuals who have sustained Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Spinal Injury may need professional support to achieve and maintain their needs and wishes.
Evidence shows that intensive, on-going and personalised case management can improve the quality of life and outcomes for the individual.
Athena Case Management Services has extensive experience of providing quality outcomes based case management services to individuals who experience brain injury and spinal injury:
- Provide and support suitable support workers or buddy’s
- Co-ordinate the team of support workers or buddy’s
- Allocate and co-ordinate suitable professional therapists that need to be involved in the support process
- Identify suitable activities and support for the individual
- Ensure that structures are outcomes based and place the individual at the centre of all service provision.
The overall aim is to achieve the best possible re-integration into the community and to enable high quality outcomes based support whilst living in the community.
Outcome focused services aim to provide support in a person centred way taking into account the aspirations, goals and priorities identified by the individual. In relation to support services it will require a move away from traditional practices of care plans having a prescription of time and task, to one which gives greater autonomy to providers to work with individuals in a flexible and responsiveness way to achieve positive outcomes.
Our Clients say ...
I need a support package which works with my lifestyle...